County Holding At Just Under 30 COVID Deaths
The latest figures from Stanislaus County – as of 4:45 p.m. on Monday, June 1 – showed there were 750 positive cases of coronavirus in the county with 29 total deaths reported as a result. There have also been 594 recovered cases and 13,250 negative tests.
Stanislaus County Health Services Agency testing numbers include those reported through the State infectious disease reporting system. The numbers do not necessarily include those routed through a commercial laboratory. All positive cases must be reported to Public Health.
In addition to the three testing sites coordinated by Stanislaus County, testing is still available through local health care providers and independent labs such as Quest and LabCorp. OptumServe in office testing is available in Patterson and Keyes; Project Baseline by Verily: Drive-Through Testing is offered in Salida.
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