Cast’s COVID breakthrough cases cancel Modesto’s Gallo Center show at last minute – Local Turlock

Cast’s COVID breakthrough cases cancel Modesto’s Gallo Center show at last minute

in News

As the audience waited, breakthrough cases of COVID-19 among cast members suddenly canceled a performance Tuesday evening at the Gallo Center for the Arts.

The musical “Waitress” was due to begin at 7 p.m. at the downtown Modesto venue.

The show was sold out, according to texts from Chad Hilligus, chief executive officer at the Gallo Center.

“We were informed by ‘Waitress’ company management just after 7 p.m. that, due to breakthrough COVID cases in the cast, the performance would not be able to proceed,” a text from Hilligus said. “There was no indication up to that point that the performance was at risk.”

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