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High demand leading to increased milk production

in business/Food & Drinks

Stanislaus County offers an abundance of agriculture offerings with dairy routinely a top producer and last year, both milk and alternative milks saw a marked increase in consumption among consumers. 

The second-highest valued commodity in the 2020 Stanislaus County Agriculture Report was milk and it contributed more value than it did in 2019. It was an increase in value by $128 million compared to 2019. Milk accounts for 20 percent of the county’s total commodity value, while it accounted for 17 percent in 2019.

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Is expensive milk worth the cost? | The difference between cheap and expensive milk

in Food/Local Roundup

CALIFORNIA, USA — The milk inside the grocery store bottle isn't all that different despite the price you pay, the packaging it comes in, and the marketing behind it.

ABC10 spoke with experts in the dairy industry, agricultural economics, and nutrition to see how much of a factor the quality of milk plays in the grocery store price.

Speaking as a former Turlock dairyman, Ray Souza said the main difference you'll see in regard to milk is the packaging on the bottle.

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