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Researchers look at how biofilters can protect waterways

in Environment

LOS ANGELES — Onja Davidson Raoelison, a doctoral candidate in environmental engineering at UCLA, has been working to keep waterways safe.

Her research and studies focus on green infrastructure and how wildfires impact water systems.

“I think we all hear about air quality all the time,” she said. “Even at UCLA, we receive a lot [of news] about the air quality being bad when you’re not supposed to go outside. I never knew that the impact of wildfires on water quality would be an issue and how it impacts aquatic ecosystems and human health.”

Raoelison was born in Madagascar, where water-borne diseases are common. They drove her passion for protecting rivers, lakes, groundwater and surface water.

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Cal Poly Students Use Drones To Study Elephant Seals

in Animals/Education/Students

Cal Poly researchers have a new tool to keep track of the local elephant seal population. The team consisting of graduate students, undergraduate volunteers and professors use drones to conduct their research during the seals’ current mating season.

The project began in 2017 but this is the first year they were able to incorporate drone images. The research team will begin to analyze drone images in March, once the breeding season has ended.

Kate Riordan is a graduate student in the Biological Sciences department and is a part of this research team. Like the rest of the team, Riordan helps to fly the drones and makes sure they don’t crash. She also helps weigh the baby seals and tags them in order to track where the seals will end up.

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