STANISLAUS COUNTY, Calif. — The Stanislaus Animal Services Agency says they have reached a crisis level of overcrowding.
The agency is putting out an urgent plea for help, asking people to either adopt or foster one of the more than 150 dogs currently in the shelter in order to free up some space and save lives.
When the pandemic first hit and most people were stuck working from home, the shelter for Stanislaus County could barely keep up with the demand of folks wanting to add a new four-legged friend to their families.
“We used to have people line up at 2 a.m. right here in front of our shelter to adopt," Annette Bedsworth, Executive Director for Stanislaus Animal Services, said.
But Bedsworth says things have since taken a serious turn.
“We have double filled kennels with dogs, that’s inappropriate, that’s not how we should be housing dogs," Bedsworth said. “People are frustrated, they’re angry at whatever is going on in their lives and they’re just dropping off our dogs in our parking lots and leaving before we can even get to them."
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